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Cook your first recipe with the JANBY Tags

There are 8 Tag colours that go from number 1 to 9 and these identify the food portions once they are in the water tank.

Each user can decide how to organize their recipes, for instance, those that contain fish could go under the blue colour.

We will grab a blue JANBY Tag and we will scan it. Automatically our favorite recipe inside the blue group will show up and this will be the one applied. It is also possible to change the recipe mannually.

Now just tie the Tag to the portion and insert it in the bath. The Smartvide will assist through a symbol that indicates in which bath should the portion be inserted. This function is specially relevant if you work with more than one water tank simultaneously at different temperatures.

JANBY Track is in charge of monitoring the cooking process and emits a notification when the food is ready.

Once the portion is removed, we scan again the Tag and food will be ready to plate up and serve.

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