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The Active Controls

The Active Controls are additional parametters that can be set to a recipe or program to have a bigger control of the elaboration.

Probe control: continious probe monitorization vs. continious water monitorization

Continious probe monitorization

The probe control monitors the temperature at the heart of the product continiously and acts accordingly.

To set this continious probe control you need to establish a minimum probe temperature to be monitored throughout the whole elaboration process. If for any reason, the temperature at the heart of the product goes below the established temperature, the
recipe will be restarted.

Continious water monitorization

The water control monitors the water tempeature continiously and acts accordingly.

To set this continious water control you need to establish a minimum water temperature to be monitored throughout the whole elaboration process. If for any reason, the temperature of the water goes below the established temperature, the recipe will be restarted.

Minimum ready product (Hot Hold) amount

Minimum bags in Hot Hold (re order point): allows to establish a minimum re order point making sure that always X amount of bags are ready for the service. The amount of bags can be established by hours and week days.

This control plays an important role in those establishments with big client rotations that need to have their offer ready to serve
very quicly.

To cook in the Hot Hold mode, we have implemented the ¨Hot Hold view¨, a view that groups all same products that are ready to be served in the same line.

To set up this view,¨swipe up¨ in the Track section.

Intermediate notifications

Intermediate notifications for Time recipe

Time recipe: in this case you can establish a 4 minute time recipe that indicates the grill time of a product.

With the inetrmediate warning, you could create a notification after 2 minutes that indicates the need to flip the product.

Intermediate notifications for SmartVide recipe

SmartVide recipe: for the Smartvide recipes, in which the product is being cooked according to a given time and temperature, a notification can de scheduled for side operations. For insance, frying chips when the meat is at 75% of the elaboration process.

First, select a recipe and activate the intermediate warning in step 3.

Different percentages will appear depending on the moement when we want to receive the notification. If you want to receive the alert halfway the cooking process, press 50%. It is possible to establish more than one alert.

Probe pasteurization and FSIS controls

FSIS is the public health regulatory agency responsible for ensuring that domestic and imported meat, poultry and processed egg products are safe, wholesome and correctly labelled and packaged.

Several pasteurization paramettres of different animals have been integrated, so by selecting the type of protein and fat percentage, the system controls the pasteurization.

Maximum time waiting at ready

Sets the maximum time a product can be ready waiting to be extracted and emits an alert when exceeded. Useful for products that lose properties or expire shortly after finishing cooking.

Countdown notification

Emits an alert when for the specified countdown moment. If we want to be notified that the product should be extracted in 20 seconds for example.

This control is very useful if the organoleptic proprerties of a product are going to be significantly affected even by the minimum extra time that they spend in the water.

Disable extraction for reuse of this product

If this product should not be extracted for reuse (even if there is a change in an order), enable this option to force the extraction to be served as waste.

Inject probe on product extraction

When extracting from the bath, force to register the core temperature of the product using the probe.

Probe pasteurization control

Monitors the probe temperature to ensure it fulfills a desired food safety regulation. When cooking a program whose time comes to its end, this control will check if the accumulated temperatures and times match the regulations criteria to be safe for human consumption. If the regulation is met, the product will pass to ready state whereas if not, the product will be held cooking until matching the criteria or being manually extracted by the user.

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